December 2010

  1. How to fit a duvet cover easily!!

    How to fit a duvet cover easily!!
    How many of us can put on a duvet cover, without getting into a mess, losing our tempers and/or generally, creating an unecessary drama?
  2. Duvets and duvet cover sets

    ‘Duvet’ is the French word for ‘down’ (as in soft feathers). A duvet is a type of bedding or bed covering, which provides fantastic levels of insulation and is surprisingly, lightweight. A Duvet is Also Known As: Quilt or Continental Quilt, Comforter (America), Doona (Australia), Eiderdown, Dyne (Scandinavia)
  3. Waterproof Mattress protectors - essential bedding part

    Waterproof Mattress protectors - essential bedding part
    Waterproof mattress protectors keep the mattress clean by preventing the absorption of bodily fluids or other liquids, resulting from spillages, such as coffee. Waterproof mattress protectors come in the form of fitted sheets, manufactured from a special, breathable material.
  4. Memory foam mattress vs. Spring mattress

    Memory foam mattress vs. Spring mattress
    Memory foam mattresses are far more comfortable than spring mattresses so it’s not surprising that they are now becoming the standard mattress within households, throughout the world. Best advantage of Memory Foam Mattresses is that they do not require any maintenance or need to be rotated every few weeks like spring mattresses
  5. Egyptian cotton Bedding - Ultimate luxury linen

    Egyptian cotton Bedding - Ultimate luxury linen
    Egyptian-Cotton is a fine and glossy cotton which, is renowned for its luxurious qualities. As the name suggests, genuine Egyptian cotton comes from Egypt. It grows in a valley, along the edges of the River Nile, where the rich soil and humid conditions provide a perfect climate for the growth of cotton plants with extra-long strands.
  6. Bedroom expressions and bedroom looks

    Bedroom expressions and bedroom looks
    The design of our bedroom and the items we put in it need careful consideration. It is so easy to overlook the impact of electrical wiring surrounding our beds or the obstruction by the door but these things all pose their own set of threats to our well-being, health and safety, and ultimately, our quality of living.
  7. Bedroom decor - Mix-and-match

    Bedroom decor - Mix-and-match
    As a teenager, I spent hours in my bedroom, ‘pumping out’ loud music. Now, in my adult life, it is the room I go to when I need to find myself, chill out, collect my thoughts etc. The curtains, lampshades and some of the cushion covers are red. I was tempted to paint the small alcove wall in the same shade of red but decided to leave it beige so that I can change the room whenever I feel like it.
  8. Sleeping bag liners for protection

    Sleeping bag liners for protection
    Sleeping bad liners are ideal for helping sleeping bags endure several seasons, prolonging their life, as they will keep your bag clean and are easier to wash. Sleeping bag liners imply a minimal bulk but offer the highest thermal values and advantages for your sleeping bags, they are for sure value for money.
  9. Duvet cover sets - Sewing it with your own hand

    Duvet cover sets - Sewing it with your own hand
    Despite the common assumption that anyone can make their own duvet cover sets, even when it comes to double duvet covers (which many find challenging when it comes to placing them on their duvet), the process is not as simple as that. It will not be an enjoyable undertaking for beginners and it is best if you save your time for enjoyable activities
  10. Can Sleeping 8 Hours Kill You Faster

    Can Sleeping 8 Hours Kill You Faster
    After a hard days work, you go home, have dinner, and go to sleep. Next morning you wake up all refreshed, and feel fully energized, again go through the entire day, and it keeps going on. But have ever taken a break and asked, hey why is it that I feel so energized because of sleeping?

Items 1 to 10 of 13 total
